The Art of Supplementing for ADHD

Managing ADHD can often feel like leading a complex musical piece, where every note and pause contributes to your overall harmony. That’s the overarching idea that I’ve developed in Module 4 of my Thrive With ADHD course, where I invite you into the conductor's podium, baton in hand, ready to fine-tune your symphony with the artful use of food supplements and specific food sources of nutrients. You’ll explore how to compose your unique melody, balancing scientific rigour with the creative innovation of supplementation, guided by my years of clinical and research expertise, translated into plain English.

Slide header "Enhancing Nutrition Through Targeted Food Supplements" with themes on supplements' role in ADHD and gut-brain health, plus a half-vegetable, half-brain graphic.

Foundational Supplements: The Base Notes

At the core of your symphony lie the foundational supplements, the deep, resonant base notes that underpin your overall health. I’m talking about omega-3 fatty acids, magnesium, zinc, iron, B vitamins, and vitamin D, for example. These form a robust base, each contributing essential benefits to brain function, cognitive agility, and emotional regulation. Like the steadfast rhythm of a timpani, they support the complex overtures of the ADHD brain, fostering focus and calming the ever-active ADHD mind.

Personalised Toppings: The Melodic Lines

Atop this solid foundation, you’ll learn to layer personalised supplements, which I see as intricate melodic lines that define the character of your personal symphony. These specialist supplements will allow you to address specific ADHD-related challenges, fine-tuning your regimen to meet your individual needs. Whether it's L-theanine for calmness or a highly bioavailable form of vitamin B6 for the production of dopamine and to support cognitive health, each supplement adds a unique tone and texture, enriching the overall harmony of your wellbeing.

Food Supplements for the Gut-Brain Axis

A real star of the show in Module 4 is the gut-brain axis. You’ll learn about the foods and supplements that are best suited to promote the health of this essential route of communication between your gut and your brain. My goal is to help you maximise your cognitive and emotional wellbeing potential. You’ll learn about kefir, sauerkraut, kombucha, kimchi, sourdough, and specific probiotics and prebiotics that help support the health of your gut microbial ecosystem, and how a healthy happy gut paves the way to a healthy happy brain and mind.


Conducting the Symphony: Creating Your Supplement Stack

Building your personalised supplement stack is like composing a melody. It requires attention to the timing, combination, and effects of each instrument. The process applies when you create a combination of supplements to support your ADHD brain. That’s why you’ll be introduced to the Decision Matrix, a tool I’ve designed drawing from years of experience in research and clinical practice. The goal is to guide you in selecting supplements that resonate with your unique ADHD symptoms, ensuring that every note contributes to your desired outcome, and helping you achieve a life of balance, focus, and vitality. You’ll also have access to the “Mindful Supplement Assessment” online tool, a powerful tracker that I’ve created to help you understand the effects of your supplement choice on a range of symptoms, from focus to memory to cognitive wellbeing.


A screenshot of the Mindful Supplement Assessment tracker, a powerful online tool with algorithms programmed in the background to help you understand your response to your supplement choice. You’ll get instant access to your own copy of the tool that you can start using immediately after signing up for the course.


The Power of Rituals: Wiring in the Behavior

The module emphasises the importance of rituals and routines in integrating supplements into our daily lives. Just as a conductor rehearses with their orchestra to perfect the performance, establishing a consistent routine for supplement intake minimises cognitive load and creates a predictable structure that our brains crave. This practice not only ensures the efficacy of your supplement strategy but also enhances your capacity for creativity, problem-solving, and joy.


The Creative Scientist: Embracing Innovation

In Module 4, I introduce the Creative Scientist Model as a paradigm shift in how we approach ADHD management, melding the precision of scientific inquiry with the fluidity of creative exploration. Just as a maestro weaves together disparate musical elements into a cohesive masterpiece, the idea is for this model to guide you in harmonising a solid nutritional foundation with a layer of personalised supplements, each selected with care to enrich your mental and emotional wellbeing.

In the spirit of the Creative Scientist, Module 4 encourages you to embrace innovation in your supplement choices, exploring new possibilities while grounding your decisions in solid evidence, safety and efficacy. This approach allows us to venture beyond the confines of conventional therapy, exploring uncharted territories in ADHD management with curiosity and hope.


Life is A Journey of Continuous Discovery

As you conclude Module 4 of my Thrive With ADHD course, you’ll be reminded that managing ADHD through targeted food supplements is not a one-time performance but an ongoing journey of discovery and adaptation. Like a symphony that evolves with each rendition, your approach to supplementation is dynamic, responsive, and deeply personal. In crafting your unique symphony, you’ll learn not just about nutrients and their effects but about yourself, your resilience, your adaptability, and your capacity to thrive in the face of ADHD challenges.

With my guidance, you’ll be equipped to conduct your symphony with confidence, creating a melody that resonates with health, harmony, and happiness.

Dr Miguel 🙏🏽🍒

Explore Other Blogs in this Series

A New Vision for ADHD: Embracing the Kaleidoscope (Module 1)

The Symphony of the ADHD Mind (Module 2)

Nourishing the Mind: A Holistic Approach to ADHD (Module 3)

Embracing the Whole: A Journey Beyond Nutrition for ADHD (Module 5)

How to Flourish With ADHD (Module 6)

Seeing ADHD With New Eyes (Module 7)


Embracing the Whole: A Journey Beyond Nutrition for ADHD


Nourishing the Mind: A Holistic Approach to ADHD